Tuesday, December 05, 2006


...was the artist of that original piece that I purchased at Comic Convention, long ago. It could have been the same Con where Dave Stevens walked in wearing a "puffy" shirt. It remains the sole piece of art that I've EVER purchased at a Con. As soon as I saw it in the dealers' bin I snagged it. I don't have a image of it to load, but I'll describe it. To say the least, it "spoke" to me...here's why; 24x30 gauche and tempera/pink-grayscale (for production reasons?) but with hot yellow-orange for flames; it depicts a hillside in Asia, during the Korean Conflict; GI's are flushing a trenchline of Red Chinese with the support of strange, tripod-tracked, flamethrowing, machinegunnin', cigar-shaped tanks. On the back is, in the artists'/authors' penciled writing (Tinsley was known for writing many of his own articles), "Why Shouldn't We Build Baby Assault Tanks?", Mechanics Illustrated, 1952. It's sweet. I'll post something of it soon. In the mean, check some of his standard sci-fi pieces.


Anonymous said...

WoW! I heard of this artist! I had a picture, I believe it was him, from Popular mechanics. Man I redrew that spaceship to death. Awesome pix Tony!!

MSGT said...

dude, you would be so happy to see the art collection at the Science Fiction Museum here in Seattle. Beyond the ALiens Loader, Queen, Enterprise captains chair and set, HAL plate, etc. etc.
