Friday, June 02, 2006

X-Men 3: The Last Stench

I'll TELL you what I won't stand for; I will not tolerate the energy of one more photon being expended so that the same images I saw flickering across the screen this evening can stimulate the rods and/or cones of some other unfortunate moviegoers' retinae.
"Retinae", plural, right?

the "Last Strand" is more like it.


TMALO70 said...

Sooo, I'm guessin' you didn't like it...


TMALO70 said...

BLEAYEAGH!!! Alright, with the exception of a few scenes, I'm gonna have to agree with you on how much this movie smelled like a Poop-Spattered Skunk's AssHole on a Humid Day in Atlanta... Damn You Ratner!!! What's next, Rush Hour 3 !?!
