Monday, December 04, 2006

That's Funny...

I thought that Religious Freedom was one of the great things about the United States. Put down the torches you Puritanical jackals and let Keith Ellison, an ELECTED member of Congress, be sworn in using the Koran. Stop the hypocrisy!


Anonymous said...

you're abolutely right we live in a hypocrisy state. but have you read the teachings of the Koran? if not, then you should. because then you might have second thoughts on him swearing on it.

Tony Akins said...

I have to say that I've never read the Koran. I allow myself a degree of respect to a most of the worlds religions and think that there is some value for many people who choose to have faith in their lives. The operative word there is "choose". Fine, this guy is a Muslim and now a Congressman. It worries me JUST as much as someone who is a Christian and Congressman. I don't give two shakes of a rabbits tail about your god, JUST DO THE JOB, SERVE THE PEOPLE.
As far as religious zealotry goes ,CHRISTIAN, JEW or's bad form. There isn't a book of faith in this world that doesn't hold poisonous teachings for anyone who choses to interpret them as such.
I REALLY have issues with BAPTISTS... :~)

Anonymous said...

Those charasmatic baptists give me the heebies too..HEHE! But here's my 2 bits on this. It is rather sad we will base a man or woman's character solely on their religion than on their character. We penilize an individual on what his or her culture or background dictates he/she should be like insted of weighing in what HE or SHE believes to be right. Having said that, Seeing that this country was founded on what is believed to be "Christian Values" I can see why they would want him to swear in thru a christian bible, cool and rightfully so. If he wants to swear in by the koran, especially for any Gov. job he's gonna run into major issues. I'm sure he knew that was coming. I say let him swear in by The Bible. Once in office he can come up with a bill that will allow for elected officials to be sworn in by the book of their chosen faith. Now if congress votes down this bill, then there you go. If congress votes for the bill to become a law, then there you go. Otherwise I wish him much luck starting a new campaign in some muslim state where he will have no issues being sworn in by the Koran. you think there are charismatic muslims????

Anonymous said...

I have read a translation of the Koran and in my view Tony has hit it on the head "a book of faith in this world that doesn't hold poisonous teachings for anyone who choses to interpret them as such."

You could try the Canadian way..
Make an oath or make a solemn affirmation of allegiance or loyalty to the Sovereign and sign the Test Roll. As far as I know, religious symbols are optional.

It fascinates me how it seems that a good portion of American domestic political life circles around rigorously enforcing the separation of church and state and simultaneously bring the two closer together.

Anonymous said...

Actually the quote reads "There isn't a book of faith in this world that doesn't hold poisonous teachings for anyone who choses to interpret them as such." Wise words O' you weaver of witty banter!

Anonymous said...

You're right, it reads much better when I don't butcher the quote. Oops.

I asked Santa for improved proofreading for Christmas but I haven't been that good so I don't have high hopes on getting it.