How would I ever replace this as I've heard Windsor Newton is in the shitter when it comes to producing Sable brushes now (I'm glaring at you hippies and vegans; I get it, I do, but there has to be some give and take...you start saving all the animals and you wind up with shitty or digital art. Our Culture, our choice) Any ways... I can tell you my inking myself will continue, schedule allowing, and the schedule is getting full I'm happy to say. After 'Jack of Fables' ended in March, it's been a Summer of travel, idleness, nudging 'Dread: The Westchaple Horror' along, and general provocateuring (!?). Suddenly you look up and you've been so engrossed in what you're doing (or not doing) that you've wandered clear of the sidewalk you were just following. Constellations are different, the sky has deepened, it's cooler and you're in the middle of the North American Plains, surrounded by American Bison, and about to make your DCU debut ;~D (more on THAT awesome news later).

So with this story segment, "The Birth of Spiders" I decided to pad out the writing with some extending panels not asked for in the script. Mind you, Willingham/Sturges scripts are ALWAYS terrific and tight, but sometimes an artist can feel a bit like a rider caught in the stirrups and dragged during a steeplechase. It's nice to take the wheel a little more deliberately.
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