Shit there were ARCHITECTS! One of them is a member of STUDIO GANG, the designers of the AQUAS building (see past blog..somewhere,'ll have to dig for it. Or just Google Studio GANG).
Anyway, enjoy the photos!
the works, words&meanderings of Tony Akins
wow! a real dressup party! out here in the northwest its t-shirts and jeans 24x7. i've forgotten women have breasts...well, not really.
thanks for posting these tony! definitely a good time!
lincoln park
As I was looking thru the pics, I just happened to see that my neighborhood mailman was in one of the shots. Which proves my theory once again, that sonovabich keeps stealing MY invitations to these kick ass parties! I'm on to you now mailboy!!
Pictures so's as though I was actually there at the party.
What's that?
Party on!
BTW have you seen this?
I've been waiting for you to post these, Tony. I forgot my camera that night and needed to grab these pix! It was a grande olde tyme!
Well, well, well... Looks like We have an UnAnnounced Party... Hmmm, Juan I think Your SunOfABitch MailGuy took mine too and brought someone with Him... I'm gonna punch Him so hard, we're talkin' CharleyHorse city here man...
Great Pics Akey,
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